Friedrich Scheele
Friedrich Scheele is a German and European Patent Attorney specializing in both patent prosecution and patent litigation. With his engineering background Friedrich assists clients in all European jurisdictions in creating and enforcing their intellectual property rights.
Clients appreciate Friedrich’s prompt reliable service with technical expertise focusing on automotive, machine tools, medical technology, electronics and electrical appliances. Friedrich has a long-standing experience in patent drafting, prosecution, litigation, opposition and nullity proceedings as well as in trademark law. A deep technical understanding of mechanical and electronical technologies as well as legal issues allows Friedrich bringing technical, legal and economical aspects of cases together. Friedrich’s view is concentrated not only on the desirable outcome but on strategies promising success for the client. Such weighting offers the client a wide freedom of choice from low risk to high risk policy but always cost effective proceedings. Friedrich represented clients in rulings of the Federal German Supreme Court developing the law in computer implemented inventions.
Having graduated as a mechanical engineer from Universität der Bundeswehr, Hamburg, in 1993 with a specialization in computer-based engineering and computational dynamics, Friedrich is working in Intellectual Property since 1997.